Journal of Management in Business , Healthcare and Education <p><strong>Journal of Management in Business, Healthcare, and Education (JMBHE) ISSN 2811-0757 </strong> is an open-access journal that provides a half-yearly publication of articles in management and psychology. <strong>JMBHE</strong> uses a continuous publishing model. Articles are published as soon as they are peer-reviewed, accepted, copyedited, and proofread. So, there is no deadline to submit. It is a new international refereed Online Journal. JMBHE aims to propagate innovative scientific research and eminence in knowledge and has become a prominent contributor to the research communities and societies. JMBHE Journal is making the connection between industrial developments and academic research.</p> en-US (Henry Yeo) (Tommy Sawatmuang) Fri, 01 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 The Development of ASEAN Studies Concepts Using the Integrated Model <p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The objectives of this research were 1) To compare ASEAN studies concepts of pre-service social studies teachers before and after using the integrated model; 2) To compare ASEAN studies concepts of experimental group and control group after using the integrated model. of pre-service social studies teachers before and after using the integrated model. <strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample comprised sixty pre-service social studies teachers from Phranakhon Rajabhat University College of Teacher Education, Thailand. Thirty pre-service social studies teachers were divided into an experimental group and a control group of thirty pre-service social studies teachers each. The experimental instruments consisted of two lesson plans: daily lesson plans based on the integrated model and daily lesson plans using the conventional instructional approach. The experiment lasted eight periods, one hour per period and one period per week. The instruments for collecting data were the ASEAN studies concepts test. The data was analysed using the arithmetic mean (x), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test. <strong>Findings: </strong>The results were as follows: 1) the ASEAN studies concepts of pre-service social studies teachers after using the integrated model were higher than before the experiment with a statistical significance level of 0.001, and 2) the ASEAN studies concepts in the experimental group after using the integrated model was higher than the control group with a statistical significance level of 0.001.</p> Pichart Kaewpuang Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Management in Business , Healthcare and Education Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0700

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